Room Temperature Epoxy Surface Coats

These epoxy surface coats are ideal for creating superior tool service on general purpose laminated tools as well as more demanding abrasion resistant or heat resistant laminated tools.

Freeman 721 Economical, General Purpose Epoxy Surface Coat

89D Shore Hardness / 25 Min. Gel Time

Freeman 705 General Purpose, PFP, Epoxy Surface Coat

90D Shore Hardness / 15 or 45 Min. Gel Time / 18,300 cps Viscosity

Freeman 706 General Purpose, PFP, Epoxy Surface Coat

90D Shore Hardness / 45 Min. Gel Time / 15,000 cps Viscosity

Discontinued Room-Temperature Epoxy Surface Coats

Informational pages for discontinued items. Some stock may still be available.

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