Semi-Permanent Mold Release Systems-Solvent Based

Semi-permanent mold release systems differ from sacrificial mold releases. Although they require more time to apply, they do not need to be reapplied every time the mold is used, therefore saving a lot of time over the life of a mold.

Freeman has a complete line of semi-permanent release agents, primers, sealers, and mold cleaners.

Semi-Permanent Mold Cleaners

Liquid mold cleaning products specifically designed for use with semi-permanent releases.

Semi-Permanent Mold Primers

Heavy duty mold primers for sealing surfaces and re-surfacing of worn out molds.

Semi-Permanent Mold Sealers

High performance sealers developed to seal mold porosity prior to the application of semi-permanent releases.

Semi-Permanent Solvent Based Mold Release Agents

Complete line of releases used in the composite industry to facilitate easy and effective part removal.

Chemlease IM02 Internal Release System

Specialized release that is mixed with polyester resins to aid in effective release from mold surfaces.
