Freeman's Guide To Core Vents
Part 2 of 2: Freeman's Line of Core Vents

All of the following core vents are available in various diameters. Each title and picture is linked to the respective product pages.


Premium Core Vents

43% opening rate versus 13% or 30%
self cleaning

one piece construction
very hard metal alloy
Slotted Core Vents

Type D, Slotted - Brass Body

.010 & .014 slot widths
.093 head thickness


Type C, Slotted - Steel Body

.010, .014, .020 slot widths
.031 & .093 head thickness

Type T, Taper Slot - Brass Body

slot width varies due to taper
head thickness varies due to taper

Type AD, Slotted - Aluminum

.010 & .014 slot widths
~.082, .093, & .156 head thickness

Type XD, Slotted - Brass Body

.010 & .014 slot widths
.156 head thickness

Type XD, Slotted - Steel Body

.014 & .020 slot widths
.156 head thickness

 Screen Core Vents

Type K, Screen - Brass Body

24, 30, 35, 40, & 50 Mesh
